Population Density
To Explore and Advance the Human Condition.
Posted by John at 1:52 PM 0 comments
Football and Volleyball have taken me away from my blog but I’m back. At least for now.
The following is the Nicene Creed
We believe in one God the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth, and of all things visible and invisible.
And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the only-begotten Son of God, begotten of the Father before all worlds, God of God, Light of Light, Very God of Very God, begotten, not made, being of one substance with the Father by whom all things were made; who for us men, and for our salvation, came down from heaven, and was incarnate by the Holy Spirit of the Virgin Mary, and was made man, and was crucified also for us under Pontius Pilate. He suffered and was buried, and the third day he rose again according to the Scriptures, and ascended into heaven, and sitteth on the right hand of the Father. And he shall come again with glory to judge both the quick and the dead, whose kingdom shall have no end.
And we believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord and Giver of Life, who proceedeth from the Father and the Son, who with the Father and the Son together is worshipped and glorified, who spoke by the prophets. And we believe one holy catholic and apostolic Church. We acknowledge one baptism for the remission of sins. And we look for the resurrection of the dead, and the life of the world to come. Amen.
A liberal is fundamentally fearful of concentrated power. His objective is to preserve the maximum degree of freedom for each individual separately that is compatible with one man’s freedom not interfering with other men’s freedom. He believes that this objective requires that power be dispersed. He is suspicious of assigning to government any functions that can be performed through the market, both because this substitutes coercion for voluntary co-operation in the area in question and because, by giving government an increased role, it threatens freedom in other areas.
From Capitalism and Freedom, Milton Freidman page 39
I consider myself to be a Christian but at some levels I find it easier to whole heartedly endorse the quote by Milton Freidman than I do the Nicene creed.
Posted by John at 2:29 PM 4 comments
I believe that the best way to bring peace and stability to
Consider the parallels between the former
For now the nations and provinces of the former
Facilitating an orderly partitioning of
Some arguments against this:
1 - Many people would be forced to give up there homes and move. This is already happening at a rate of about 50,000 per month at gun point and with no compensation for the loss of people’s homes and property. If this were handled in an orderly fashion people could be compensated for the home’s they are leaving and that money could be used to help them get started in more friendly environs.
2 – One of our allies,
More research and thought should be given before implementing a plan like this. It may not be the right answer. However, it is an option that deserves serious consideration and we should challenge our leaders to consider this as perhaps the best way to work out of the
Posted by John at 3:45 PM 2 comments
At least two items should be addressed in new immigration policy.
First, we need to make it easer for workers (not free loaders or criminals) to come to
We have around 5 million unemployed. With between 8 and 20 million illegal immigrants guessed to be in the country we definitely don’t have the legal workers to fill those gaps. So, we need a policy in place that allows all the workers coming to
Second, all new legal worker immigrants should be on a path to citizenship involving learning English and our constitution and history. This will insure that our citizens continue to value freedom, democracy, and the rule of law. Learning of English will allow them to more easily assimilate into our society and will insure that we continue to be a single language society. This path to citizenship should not take more than 2 to 5 years. Anyone not willing to embrace core American values and become citizens should go back home and make room for someone who is. WHY: As we all know the baby boomers are nearing retirement and as a percentage we will have fewer people working as compared to those in retirement than we have had historically. This is a problem for funding social security. Having a robust immigration program leading to new citizens who have bought into the American values can help address some looming fiscal issues and insure
Two Side Notes:
Securing the Boarders: Once we have a rationalized (or as we are rationalizing) immigration policy which allows the workers we need to come here legally we should make sure the borders are secure. So, that the criminal element does not enter our country.
Amnesty: If someone is in our country illegally they should not get a free pass. They should have to pay a fine of some sort or do community service. Once they have paid their fine they should be allowed to participate in the legal work program that leads to citizenship.Posted by John at 5:25 PM 0 comments
God doesn’t care about addiction it self. He is not concerned abut the drinking or gambling or eating or smoking or drugs and the abuse of these things that comes with addiction. What he cares about is the damage our fixation on these things does to our relationships when we are addicted to them. For example: if my gambling addiction causes me to loose money so that I don’t have the money to take my kid to the baseball game or my wife out to eat, then I am not loving the way I should. This is the real big deal with God. (Love thy neighbor as they self.) This damage to the important relationship is what God does not like. He doesn’t mind so much if we enjoy gambling once in a while but he doesn’t like it if it damages our relationships. The danger can be even more subtle but just as damaging. You may have won money but if you stayed up so late you decided to sleep in instead of taking you son fishing, then you are still impacting your relationship. Or if you spend so much time fishing that you don’t have time to take your daughter to the movies, then fishing could be the problem. Anything that puts our important relationships at risk God hates.
Posted by John at 7:30 PM 0 comments
We have all heard that our social security system is at risk of collapsing. As the baby boomers move into retirement we predict that the then current work force will not generate enough revenue to fund the program. Part of the solution to this problem could be to bring in a lot of new workers who through their work could help to fully fund social security. How convenient for us (the
First we need to make it easy for workers to come to our country and participate in our economy legally. We need to create policies and staff them that allow good hard working people to participate in our economy when there is a need. If workers are allowed to participate in our economy legally (rather than illegally as so many do today) it is more likely that part of their wages will go to funding social security rather than the immigrants receiving “under the table” wages that don’t contribute to the system.
Second, Workers should be willing to commit to our Country. That is, if they want to benefit from our great economy they should fully commit to our county by becoming citizens with in a reasonable amount of time. Say 3 to 5 years. We want to avoid bringing folks to our country who can then develop valuable skills, make a quick buck and then head back to their countries of origin. Rather, we should want them to commit to our country and continue to use the skills they develop here to continue to build our country and fund our government and its institutions.
Lastly, many of our new workers do not come from a back ground of freedom, democracy, and the rule of law. We need to insure our immigration policies are designed to instill these principles into the new workers. All new workers should be required to learn and understand our history and the constitution with its bill of rights. This will insure as that as the make up of our country changes through immigration it will not loose the core principles of freedom, democracy, and the rule of law that have allowed our nation to thrive.
The make up of our nation is changing and will continue to change through immigration. The question is can we manage this change in such a way that our current institutions (like social security) benefit from it and we keep the core principles of nation in tact.
Posted by John at 2:43 PM 3 comments
I am for finding a mechanism for providing those hard workers here illegally now to quickly and simply achieve legal status which works toward citizenship and requires some basic level of English language capability. I believe that these workers should commit to becoming citizens with all the rights, privileges and responsibilities associated. If a person is not willing to commit to this, they should go back to their home country. This will create an additional administrative burden for the government. However, I have not heard a proposed solution that does not create an additional burden.
Now I have some comments on the latest fad for how to deal with the illegal immigration problem. Crack down on the employers of illegal aliens.
If we crack down on the employers of the illegal immigrants, they will stop employing illegal aliens and theoretically the illegal aliens will just leave because they can’t find a job in the
First, most would leave because on the whole they are good people here to provide a better life for their family. Since that would no longer be possible they would go back to
Let’s turn our attention to economic impact. I hear that there are from 7 to 20 million folks hear illegally. The most common number I hear is 12 million. For the purpose of this thought let’s go with the 12 million. Our current employment is around 135 million ( http://www.bizstats.com/employment.htm ). That means that if all of the illegal work force gets let go we will loose around 8.9% of our work force. Now this would not happen but if all of our currently unemployed (4.5% http://www.bls.gov/ ) took those newly open jobs around half of the jobs would go unfilled.
Let’s take this a step closer to home. I live in
My point is that many have the feeling that having all these people here from
Posted by John at 3:02 PM 0 comments
I heard about this from Marc Epner who works for Kronos. A company that makes employee time management software. Marc is one of their sales people.
Marc recently told me about a team work activity they did at Kronos recently that I thought was really cool.
The Kronos sales team was assembled for a typical sales meeting I believe in
About an hour into the exercise the doors of the hall they were in opened and one hundred underprivileged kids from
It was announced that each child was to get one of the bikes and the kids were to find the team that was working on the bike that had their number on it.
Once the teams met the kids who were going to get their bike their attitude changed completely. Before they where trying to be the fastest and were trying to keep what they had learned a secret from the other teams. Once the learned about the kids they started sharing between teams. So, they could all make sure that they got the best bike possible for their kid. They consulted with the kids to find out exactly what they wanted for their bike.
Their attitude be came one of service instead of competition.
Marc said that afterward almost everyone was overcome with emotion and he wasn’t sure but thought it might have been a life changing experience. Some kids who needed bikes got them and hopefully the employees learned to be better team players.
Think of how much more productive we might be if we always kept an attitude of service.
Posted by John at 6:35 PM 0 comments
I heard this on NPR.
Jesus was next and sure enough when he teed off his ball went right into the pond. He rolled his eyes and shook his head and headed down to the pond. When he got there we walked on top of the water and sure enough the ball rose to the top and he too made a beautiful chip shot right on to the green.
Finally the old man with the beard teed off. His ball went way off course. In fact if flew clear off the golf course. A bus happened to be passing and the ball bounced of the bus back onto the fairway and bounced twice and landed on a Lilly Pad in the middle of the pond. A frog hopped on the Lilly Pad picked up the ball and started to hop from Pad to Pad across the pond when an eagle swooped down and scooped up the frog and started to fly away, the ball still in the frog’s mouth. Finally, when the eagle, frog in tow, was over the green, the frog spit out the ball. It bounced on the green once and landed right in the cup.
At this point Moses leaned over to Jesus and said “I hate playing with your Dad.”
I believe this and many other good jokes can be found in the following book.
Posted by John at 10:42 AM 0 comments
I’d like to get 10 people who are all interested in investing $11,000 each to buy a partial interest in a Micro Finance Institution. $100,000 to actually invest and $10,000 for administration and any operating costs. Anybody interested?
Posted by John at 7:02 PM 0 comments
Labels: Micro Finance
I thought this was interesting. This individual helps to run a community in Uganda that engages in small manufacturing and Micro Finance. It gives a feel for what types of cultural issues must be over come to make Micro Loans work.
Interview with Grace from LiA
Posted by John at 2:49 PM 0 comments
Labels: Micro Finance
Here are some interesting facts and conclusions regarding Micro Finance as it operates in
It is interesting to note that there are 25.5 million small businesses in
Total Micro Loan values in
Between 2004 and 2005 the growth of Micro Finance loans in
Additionally, this is growth that benefits the average person on the street. Unlike growth that comes from things like price increases of natural resources which typically benefit a few people in the society who control those resources.
The statistics for these notes come from the following Web Sites.
Posted by John at 6:02 PM 2 comments
Labels: Micro Finance
Here is an attempt to illustrate how a single loan from a micro finance institution to a micro entrepreneur can have a pervasive and positive impact on a community.
Let’s say that the Good News Micro Finance Institute loans $400 to Oloput who has a business making chairs. Oloput takes $200 and buys wood for making chairs from Akish. Akish takes $50 of this to make a partial loan payment back to Good News, pays his two workers Barok and Kofi $25 each, spends $25 on tuition to the Golden Apples school for his daughters to go to school and pays Oloput $25 for a chair. So he can sit in his house and feel like a big shot because he has 2 workers he can boss around and can send his kids to school and afford a nice chair. Barok and Kofi each use their wages to buy groceries from Marci who runs a small grocery store. Marci take the $50 and makes a loan payment of $25 to Good News. She also spends $25 on tuition to Golden Apples to send her daughters to school. Golden Apples takes the money they receive and pay the teacher Rondi her $25 salary and pay Marci $25 for groceries for school lunches. Marci takes this $25 and deposits it in her savings account at Good News.
Now back to Oloput. He took the other $200 and bought a miter saw from Ray a hardware and tool distributor. Ray pays $100 of this to Black and Decker to restock the miter saw and pays $50 to Good News as a loan payment and $50 as a savings deposit. Black and Decker uses its $100 to pay back a loan from a commercial bank which in turn uses half of that to make a loan to Good News. So they have more money to lend to micro entrepreneurs.
So in a few days the one $400 loan to Oloput generated the following cash inflows:
Oloput: $425 in loan and cash for chair.
Akish: $200 proceeds from sale of wood.
Barok: $25 wages
Kofi: $25 wages
Marci: $75 in grocery sales
Golden Apples: $50 in tuition payments.
Rondi: $25 in teacher salary.
Ray: $200 for sale of miter saw.
Black and Decker: $100 for sale of miter saw.
Comercial Bank: $100 in loan payment.
Good News: $275 in loan payments, commercial loans, and deposits.
For a total of $1,500 in cash inflows off of one loan.
Posted by John at 8:37 PM 0 comments
Labels: Micro Finance
I believe some day we will arrive at something call I call economic equilibrium. A time when pretty much every one every where will have an opportunity to participate in a robust and dynamic economy similar to the
I hope it happens in our life time. But it raises a question. Today us rich folks in the rich countries benefit from the very poor folks who make our clothes for a few dollars a day. What will happen when we are participating in the more advanced and successful economic system? Who will make the clothes? So, everyone can have lots of inexpensive and fashionable clothes?
Here is a wild theory. We will genetically engineer primates. So, they have the dexterity and intelligence to make the clothes and be willing to do it for very little compensation. Bioclothingmachines.Posted by John at 6:21 PM 0 comments
“Writings on an Ethical Life” is an anthology of excerpts, essays, and articles by Peter Singer on a variety of ethical questions. I don’t recommend this book as I fundamentally disagree with many of the basic assumptions and conclusions of Dr. Singer. However, I must say that he clearly states his assumptions and then explores the implications of these with incredible intellectual integrity. My next few posts will be some truly half baked reflections on my reading of this book.
Posted by John at 3:20 PM 4 comments
Labels: Books
Okay, I’ve been a bad blogger. I was out of town and I haven’t kept things up to date. I don’t have anything too great to post at this time but I thought I would jump on the “Wonder” band wagon from Mythic Reality a few weeks back. This weekend I was at the Mall of America at the Rain Forest CafĂ©. We sat right next to this waterfall fountain thing that had a giant statue of Atlas holding up the world. There were lights and waterfalls and lots of water shooting around. A little girl maybe three years old walked up with her grandma. The little girl squeezed past our table as grandma gave her permission and watched. The girl got as close as she could and took it all in. She looked up at the statue and all around at the lights and water fall. She shifted over to get a better view. She was awestruck and quietly soaked in all the sensations. After a few minutes she went back and took her grandma’s hand and they walked away.
It was a joy to me to watch another person look at a new part of the world for her with so much wonder.
Posted by John at 4:51 PM 3 comments
Mohammed Yunis, the 2006 winner of the Nobel Peace Prize, as a young economics professor in the mid 70s was the Head of the Rural Economics Program at the
He went out and made a list of all the very poor people he knew. He had 42 people on his list and after talking to them he determined that for all of them put together they needed a total of $27 to improve their situation. So he loaned them each the money they needed out of his own pocket. They each paid the money back and improved their life.
One person was a lady who made bamboo chairs. She did not have the few cents needed to buy the materials to make her chairs each day. So she borrowed the money from a money lender who required that she sell her chairs to him at a drastic discount to the market. This kept her in a poverty trap of never being able earn enough money to buy her own materials and sell her chairs at market price and thus earn a much more livable wage. Dr. Yunis loaned her the money to buy the materials herself and from the profits she made by selling her chairs at the market price she was able to pay back her loan and break out of the poverty trap.
This was the beginning of GRAMEEN BANK which was founded by Dr. Yunis.
Based on the information I have the bank has had a total of 6.61 million borrowers 97 per cent of which are women. The bank has 2,226 branches. It works in 71,371 villages with a total staff of 18,795. The amount of loans disbursed by Grameen Bank, since inception, is US$ 5.72 billion. $ 5.07 billion has been repaid. Currently they have outstanding loans of $ 457.52 million
You can get more information about Grameen Bank at http://www.grameen-info.org/
Posted by John at 10:23 PM 2 comments
Labels: Micro Finance
Founded in 1961 by Joseph Blatchford, Accion is the oldest Micro Finance organization in the
According to former ACCION director Terry Holcombe, in the 1970s the Accion team made this observation. "We began to sense that a school or a water system didn't necessarily have long-term impact. We were simply reorganizing the resources that a community already had within it, rather than increasing their resources."
In 1973 Accion began to experiment in small loans at reasonable interest rates to people in
Today Accion works in
Posted by John at 9:39 PM 9 comments
Labels: Micro Finance
You are not here merely to make a living. You are here in order to enable the world to live more amply, with greater vision, with a finer spirit of hope and achievement. You are here to enrich the world, and you impoverish yourself if you forget the errand. (Truman)
Posted by John at 12:35 PM 0 comments
In my previous post I introduced the concept of Micro Credit or lending. I'd like to expand on that here.
There are many models for Micro Lending around the world. However, probably the most common is group lending. Poor entrepreneurs in developing countries don’t have collateral to put against a loan. So, instead Micro Finance Institutions organize their borrowers into small groups of 5 or ten borrowers. The borrowers in the group help to guarantee each others loans. If one of the borrowers does not pay back their part of the loan, the entire group will not be able to get another loan even if the rest pay theirs back. This puts peer pressure on the entire group to be responsible for paying back their loan.
Typically Micro Finance organizations do not set up an office where people come and talk to the loan officer about getting loans. The loan officers go out into the field and meet the borrowers in group meetings in their homes. They may have weekly or biweekly meetings with each group where they discuss business plans and collect payments or savings deposits. As this would indicate, payments are made regularly and often. Not monthly as is typical in the
Many Micro Finance Institutions offer business training, savings as indicated above, as well as money transfer products, and some offer insurance products.
All these products are great but the product that fuels the development opportunity is access to credit for the poor. These loans give small entrepreneurs the opportunity to buy a cow or goat to provide milk which they can sell in the market. Or to provide materials for making a product like belts or furniture. Or to purchase inventory for their small shops.
Posted by John at 3:28 PM 2 comments
Labels: Micro Finance
I believe that all peoples and societies everywhere have the capacity to excel and thrive when it comes to generating economic value. Stated negatively I don’t believe that there are some groups of people who lack individuals with the innate talents needed to generate wealth as society as a whole. That is, under developed countries have just as many people per capita with the talents and aptitudes needed do drive economic success as developed countries.
For example some of the human aptitudes for affecting economic growth are leadership, the ability to organize, analyzing, working well with people, and being competitive. There are of course many others. If you took a random selection of say 1,000 people from the U. S., another set of 1,000 from Laos, another from Nigeria, and another from El Salvador you would find that roughly the same percentage of people in each group has strong leadership aptitude, and roughly the same percentage of people in each group has an aptitude for organizational skills, and so forth.
Posted by John at 6:22 PM 3 comments
Labels: Micro Finance
Human economic need (by which I mean the lack of the ability to successfully feed, house, and clothe oneself and those one loves and is responsible for and to advance their wealth) can be categorized into three types. These categories are acute need, personal need, and systemic need.
Acute Need:
This is human need that is born out of some type of catastrophe. A flood has wiped away a person or family’s or community’s home(s) and their means of producing food. Under normal circumstances they get along just fine but something has happened that in the short term puts them at a distinct disadvantage. People in this situation need help. They need to have others come to their aid on a temporary basis to provide them with food, water, shelter and clothing until they can get back on their feet.
Not put too delicately, this is need that arises because of a gap in individual competency. An individual may be blind or have a mental handicap which inhibits their ability to generate economic value and provide for their needs. As an example, in
This need occurs when the way in which a society organizes itself does not promote but rather discourages economic prosperity. Examples of this may be a land ruled by an extreme communist regime or a corrupt dictator or government that siphons off resources for the elite. People can not provide for their own needs or improve their lot because their societal system prevents them from doing so. There is nothing wrong with the individuals that prevent their success. There is no calamity that has wrecked their system of commerce. They are just stuck in a system that makes it difficult if not impossible to escape poverty.
Posted by John at 6:45 PM 2 comments
Labels: Micro Finance