Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Jordan Peterson: 12 Rules For Life, Rule 7, Rule 8. Pages: 161 - 230 Instigator: Jon

Instigation Deadline: EOD - 1/22/19
Response Deadline: EOD - 1/28/19

Okay Jon.  You can get this one rolling.

Well Thomas, never one to let convention stand in the way of a good idea, has gone ahead and posted a bunch of comments not only about chapters 7 and 8 but also chapter 11 and I think he worked in some chapter 12 as well.  So, I guess we can all follow his lead and go ahead and make any remaining comments under this post.  I will be putting my thoughts out there shortly on Thomas' comments and all the remaining chapters.

Sunday, January 6, 2019

Jordan Peterson: 12 Rules For Life, Rule 5, and Rule 6. Pages: 113 - 159 Instigator: John

Instigation Deadline: EOD - 1/6/19
Response Deadline: EOD - 1/8/19

A few mid cyber book club notes...

Well it looks like we have a couple issues.
As many of us know Thomas has had a very busy and eventful fall and early winter.  So, he is not quite caught up on the book to do his duty as the instigator.  So, I am stepping in.

Second, it sounds like there is some confusion on exactly when we kicked off the discussion on rules 3 and 4.  Verna kicked it off on 12/9 and there have been some very good comments and discussion but I think that some folks might not have realized that.  

If you still want to comment on 4 and 5 I would encourage you to follow this link to do that.  There are several interesting comments there and I’m sure we would like to see yours as well.

None the less, it is time to move on to rules 5 and 6.  See my notes in the comments.  Looking forward to you thoughts as well.