Monday, September 2, 2019

A Reflection on Romans 12:1, 2 and a Reflection on our Opportunity in the World.

Recently I have been challenged when thinking about the Bible and God's promises and commands found within, to put my self in the middle of that.  To use "I" statements in the Bible verses I read to help me experience it in a manner more directed at me.
For Example:  "For God so loved me, John, that He gave His only begotten Son, that if John believes on Him, John will not perish but John will have everlasting life."

I recently did a personal Bible study on Roman's 12:1, 2 where I tried to understand in more depth what Paul was telling us and in the process I "first personized" it as described above and I kind of did an expanded / amplified version based on what I have learned.

I present what I came up with for your own consideration...

Romans 12:1-2 (the John Christopher version) Therefore I urge myself, John, because God has and will protect me from the consequences of my sinful acts, to release and hand over to and lay in front of God my body (even my selfish and self centered desires) as a living and holy sacrifice, good pleasing to God, which is my sensible / logical and fitting ceremonial worship task (as a priest would go through the task of sacrificing something or burning incense…). 2And how is this sacrifice presented?  By my not being pressed into the pattern and schema that matches up with this age (For example: in this age it’s normal to be sexual, have alcohol in excess, to not be radically religious, to NOT be constantly checking in with God throughout the day)  That is the pattern I am walking away from, RATHER: in a way that is impossible to fully understand my mind renewing in place as I live my life will transfigure me as Jesus was transfigured into something completely different and more glorious …so I may discover through continual testing, action, and examination what the desire (will) of God is, 1) that which is good for me and 2) that which is good pleasing for me (as this whole exercise is good pleasing to God) and 3) that which results in the perfect / complete and mature me.

In addition.  Here is a reflection on our place in the world.

We are part of the ever expanding universe with time and space flying out constantly in every direction.  We are part of the never ending cause and effect series of events.  God flung this into existence. We can choose to just be part of the ever expanding universe that God flung out there and just be part of the rocks and elements and light and atoms and stars that hurtle through space and be conscious that it is happening but God has invited us to be more than just part of that creation, more than just a fleetingly conscious member of the mass of space/time/matter.  For the fleeting moments of our consciousness He has invited us to commune with the One who conceives, flings, and sustains all of it.  He invites us to be more than just the creation but to be creation in conscious communion with the Creator.  God help me to thus commune with You if only for moments.