Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Cyber Book Club Take 3 - Love Your Enemies

Hi All.  Thought it was time to try out another on-line book club.

Only this time it will not be an actual book.  I would like us to all listen to a podcast and get everyone's thoughts and ideas on it.

This will be a lot smaller time commitment.  Just 1 hour.  Actually slightly less than an hour  :-)

I think there is a fair amount covered in this little one hour podcast.  So...I am thinking we will have two "discussion sessions."

Some may recall the format which will only be slightly modified given we are dealing with a more bite sized chunk.  Between now and February 12ish take some time to listen the the below podcast.  I will put another post on this blog and ask Eric to kick off a discussion on the first part of the podcast and then on February 12ish I'll let everyone know Eric has "instigated" the first part of the discussion and everyone can jump in and post their thoughts.

If things go as planned I'll put another post out there a week or so after February 12ish and ask Thomas to instigate a discussion on the second half of the podcast.

I am sure this will be epoch!!!!!!

The Podcast is - Love Your Enemies Featuring Arthur Brooks and Scott Barry Kaufman

Here are a couple links...
Hopefully you will take time to listen to the podcast and participate in the discussion but feel free to just listen and read the posts and comments if you wish.

Oh.  One other thing, just to make sure everyone can get into the blog and post stuff.  Add a comment to this post and let us know if you think you would like to participate.  You can say something like.  "This sounds awesome!  I'm in!"

I made an example comment to get it started.


John said...

I can't wait to hear everyone's thoughts on this. I'm in!

Today said...

I'm in!